With our 'Return to Play' in progress and Covid cases on the rise, the following information has been shared with all parents of Junior player to make clarify Club and parental responsibilities to help keep all our players, officials and their families as safe as possible at this time.
My son/daughter has symptoms....
Please contact your Section or Team Manager to make them aware if your son/daughter has symptoms and is self-isolating. The Team Manager will share this information with the team.No further action is required at this point by the club. You will seek a test as per general guidance and your son/daughter will self-isolate along with household members.
My son/daughter has tested positive for coronavirus....
Again, please contact your Section or Team Manager. This information will be shared with your son/daughter's team. In line with Test and Trace parameters, ‘Close Contacts’* or those who have been in 'Close Contact'** will be advised to self-isolate along with your son/daughter.
My son/daugher has been tested but the result was negative....
Again, please let the Section or Team Manager know so that the rest of the team can be advised.
*‘Close Contacts’ are defined as the people that the player who has tested positive has been in contact with within a 9-day period, starting 48 hours before symptoms appeared.
**'Close Contact' is defined as 15 minutes or more at a distance of less than 2m (6ft) and or face-to-face conversations at a distance of less than 1m.
If the above criteria are met, players will need to begin self-isolation for 14 days from their last contact with the person who has tested positive.
The player’s household does not need to self-isolate unless the player also has symptoms.
The Club reiterates the need for good hand hygiene and social distancing and reminds parents to be mindful of the potential consequences of lift sharing for journeys over 15 minutes.
Thank you to all parents for your ongoing support and cooperation.