Boys U12
Sat 22 Sep 2018
Boardman & Eccles U12s
Mellor Lacrosse Club
Boys U12
Under 12's start the season well at Boardman

Under 12's start the season well at Boardman

Martin Mochan24 Sep 2018 - 06:12
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Great team performance with our debutants all settling in well

The U12 boys began their season with an away fixture at Boardman & Eccles.
The smell of bacon sandwiches and coffee was in the air as the team faced off for the first time this season.
Mellor were quickly into their stride as Finn, Ellis and Eddie combined to put us 2-0 up.
B & E seemed a little rattled and Mellor took advantage with another 4 goals as Miles and debutant Charlie got on the score sheet. 6-0 at the end of the first quarter.
The score stirred B & E in the second quarter and scored their first of the day. Mellor were unfazed and hit back with 3 more including a lovely forehand volley from James K. ( why catch it when you can volley it in ?) 9-1 at halftime.
Mellor dominated the 3rd quarter with assists from Finn, Eddie and James K adding 3 more goals and a trademark barnstorming run from defence from Robbie scoring fourth. 13-1
The final quarter saw B & E score their second as a couple of Mellor boys spent time in the bin! ( Jamie roughing up an 8 yr old.... !) That was where the fight back ended however. Good crisp passing and great organisation meant that Mellor could add seven more goals before the final whistle. A hat trick from Miles with assists from Charlie and Sammie gave the score a sheen! Final score 20-2

A great start to the season with some more established opponents to come in the next few weeks. A solid defensive four of Fredrick, Robbie, Jamie and debutant Ollie were complimented by the hard work in the middle from Ellis, Finn, Eddie, Theo and James K.
The forward line, Charlie, Miles, Sammie and Josh were constantly finding space and making it for others.
Hot dogs and squash at the end.. what’s not to like!
Onward and upwards!

Match details

Match date

Sat 22 Sep 2018


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Lacrosse Supplier - Northern Soul
Clothing Provider - Pioneer Teamwear