Boys U12
Sat 27 Jan 2018
Timperley A
Mellor Lacrosse Club
Boys U12
Soundly beaten in a tough game

Soundly beaten in a tough game

Cirion Plant31 Jan 2018 - 08:40
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Away at Timperley A

Great movement off the ball, good decision making, working in pairs and as a team, solid handling, sound ground ball, and focussed commitment-all the key elements to making an outstanding performance…..were sadly lacking in the U12s’ game away against Timperley A.

Although damp weather and playing on Astroturf may have unsettled last’s week’s victors, the difference between the two performances could not have been more marked. Timperley A fielded a good and strong team (and one we need to consider likely opponents in the cup), but it was a team that Mellor should have resisted better.

The first quarter gave hope that an interesting match lay ahead with good face off skills from Noah Barlow, and who open the scoring for Mellor. However, handling errors and questionable decision making repeatedly handed the ball back to Timperley. A nice link between Noah and Finn Howie scoring finished the first quarter with Mellor still in it but trailing at 5-2. Sadly an early injury saw an end to Jack Latham’s involvement in defence-especially when an improvement in his handling skills was evident.

Unfortunately, the possible spark of hope in the first quarter was firmly extinguished by Timperley in possibly the worst defensive quarter seen this season from Mellor. Defensive marking was patchy at best, repeatedly leaving a Timperley player unmarked and on the crease giving Frederick Jenkins little or no chance to stop the shot. Even when Frederick saved he was either left with no option to pass or passed to James Peel who was then isolated and dispossessed. Quarter 2 finished with no Mellor goals and Timperley leading 10-2.

Despite the coaches’ best efforts Mellor just did not seem interested in the game-almost as if last week’s success had drained them of all energy and luck. Players who would normally be consistent day in and day out seemed unable to shake off a belief that they could not win-disappointing from such a talented squad.

Further poor decisions and handling left Mellor trailing 13-2 at the end of Q3 . Handling in particular needs to be mentioned. Mellor may get away with poor passing on grass when in the offense as more usually than not the (wet) grass stops the ball running out of play leaving Mellor to collect and play on-but no such mercy on Astroturf. Every poor pass would run out of play thus giving Timperley possession.

Q4 was little better, and although a nice 1-2 from Jack Royle to Miles Plant to finish indicated better things lie ahead, the final score of 17-3 to Timperley was representative of the boys’ performance-and one to be forgotten as soon as possible.

MOTM goes to Noah Barlow. Although his spirited and aggressive defence had him on the penalty bench on more than one occasion, he was one of few who looked like they were there to stop Timperley.

Looking ahead, it is imperative that the boys practice stick work during the week and in between games-Saturday must not be the first time they pick up their sticks since the last match. The coaches will be working with the boys to foster a much higher degree of intensity and commitment and looking to the team captains to lead by example. Next week, as Liverpool beckons, we hope to see a return to form for a team that should be leading at this level.

Match details

Match date

Sat 27 Jan 2018


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Lacrosse Supplier - Northern Soul
Clothing Provider - Pioneer Teamwear