Boys U12
Sat 23 Dec 2017
Mellor Lacrosse Club
Boys U12
Rochdale U12
At home to Rochdale

At home to Rochdale

Cirion Plant23 Dec 2017 - 14:41
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Back to winning ways against determined opposition.

After several weeks of cancelled games it was great to see the boys get out on the pitch, although the line drills soon showed just how rusty we were after missing regular games and training. It didn’t’ take long to get back into the groove however and we faced 10 player squad from Rochdale, whom we were delighted to host against our 11 players.

We got off to a strong start in the first quarter with a five goal tally, despite some very suspect passing but good finishing from Miles, James Kennedy, and Jack Royle. Eddie Liles bagged two in the first quarter, one straight from face off with very strong running.

Trouble was brewing however with Freddie having to come off due to sickness and then Ellis towards the start of the second quarter. Rumours quickly spread of hard partying the night before taking their toll… hope you both feel better soon guys.

We slowed a little in the 2nd and 3rd quarters playing with just 9 players, with Rochdale’s keeper putting in an amazing performance and one of the best shot-stoppers we have seen this season so far. Despite having some younger (and smaller) players, Rochdale were gutsy and physical and kept pushing for the ball and giving us every reason to keep moving.

We finished strongly ending the game 17-3. Some stand out moments included a first goal for James Peel, taken confidently and beating the keeper with a precision low shot. A goal for Robbie as well taking a turn in attach in the final quarter. Typically strong performances across midfield and defence again today, some real strength there for us in the spine of the team.

Despite two shots ricocheting of the posts Miles bagged four goals as did Jack Royle, James Kennedy 3, Eddie Liles 2, Noah 1, Finn 1, James Peel 1, Robbie 1.

Man of the Match this week was James Kennedy who had a stand-out game, great work rate and barley missed a single pass or catch. Just shows how important it is to keep the practice and training up.

Thank you to our stand in keepers and thanks also to our refs who marshalled the game really well and guided the younger players when needed, which was good to see.

Thanks to Rochdale for travelling over today and putting in a great team effort with plenty of guts and effort on display which bodes well for the future.

Well done boys. Merry Christmas.

Match details

Match date

Sat 23 Dec 2017


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Lacrosse Supplier - Northern Soul
Clothing Provider - Pioneer Teamwear