Boys U12
Sat 04 Feb 2017
Mellor Lacrosse Club
Boys U12
Under 12's pass a tough test at Cheadle

Under 12's pass a tough test at Cheadle

Martin Mochan4 Feb 2017 - 15:19
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A still depleted team weather the storm against really well organised opposition

With perhaps one of the toughest games of the season ahead, the boys ran out early to warm up with a purpose, resplendent in their white and red, looking like a brigade of lacrosse-playing Stormtroopers. The sun was low in the sky, feebly attempting to lift the early morning chill.

You could almost smell the tension as the game began and the first skirmishes were cagey affairs, until Josh Myers broke the deadlock after a great assist from Jamie Mochan. But Cheadle were right back into the game, equalising on the break moments later. This was already shaping up to be a great game.

Cheadle had the good sense to try to mark George Shonfeld out of the game, but this in turn created space for other players to exploit. Alex Chalmers made a great break down the wing and with a precision pass, found Josh for another goal, whilst Jamie and Joey Bissell were frequently on hand to assist with sorties on the besieged Cheadle net. The first quarter finished 4-2 to Mellor.

Strong and supportive words were issued by Coach John during the break and the players responded by stepping up their domination in the second quarter, in one of the best 15-minute periods of the season. Excellent disciplined defence, resolute goalkeeping by the Schmichael-esq Ned Donovan, and powerful surges forward, made for a convincing display, finishing the quarter with an 9-3 lead. Experience and level heads allowed the boys to remained in control, with Jake Fell, Toby Halls and Will Hodgson all wearing their hearts on their sleeves to keep Cheadle at bay.

The younger boys also got involved, with Ellis Booy, Miles Plant, Freddie Jenkins and Finn Howie all slotting seamlessly into both midfield and attack, whilst Robbie Wilson shrugged off a big flattening hit in defence, getting straight up, with a steely look of defiance. Cheadle were never really allowed to get a grip on the game and tight marking made it very difficult for them to move out of defence. It was a great consistent team effort.

Quarter three was Mellor’s once again, scoring three more goals to Cheadle’s one, taking the score to 12-4 as Josh, Joey, Jamie and George keep the scoreboard ticking over with well taken goals and clever assists.
With the game virtually won, a less-assured final quarter allowed Cheadle to double their previous goal tally; their four goals in the last fifteen minutes, giving a little more credibility to the final score. However, this 15-8 victory represented a fantastic performance by the boys in what could have been one of their trickiest games of the season.

As ever, the team were fantastically supported by family and friends, despite the chilly conditions. Our equivalent of the Barmy Army (Mellor Merriment?), although drinking coffee, not beer, and with fewer (visible) tattoos, keep spirits high on the touchline. They even conducted their own post-game stretching session in an attempt to warm up; the creaking noises and audible groans not dampening the thrill of having seen such a great performance by the boys.

The final word, however, should go to the boys. George said the performance was “good”, Jamie that it had its “ups and downs”. Alex said that it was “very fun” and Ellis, with youthful exuberance said “we hashtag wrecked them!”. Perhaps the most analytical comments came from Joey and Ned, saying “we played really well, but let it slip in the final quarter” and “in the last quarter, the defence could have been tighter”. Whilst the final quarter was a little sloppy, the three preceding it were worthy of this assured 15-8 victory.

Match details

Match date

Sat 04 Feb 2017


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Lacrosse Supplier - Northern Soul
Clothing Provider - Pioneer Teamwear