Boys U12
Sat 20 Feb 2016
Mellor Lacrosse Club
Boys U12
Boys bounce back for a great away win at Sheffield

Boys bounce back for a great away win at Sheffield

Martin Mochan20 Feb 2016 - 15:38
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With players away this was a real team performance by our Under 12's

Away at Sheffield and with a reduced squad of 11, Mellor got off to a slightly ragged start but once they settled, they dominated the match throughout. The first quarter saw Mellor take a 7-nil lead with goals from Tom (3), Jamie (2) and George (2), with some great running out of defence by Alex to keep the pressure on Sheffield. The second quarter saw more of the same, with more good running and distribution from Alex and five more goals put home by George, Tom (2), Jamie and Eddie. Just one goal for Sheffield took the game to 12-1 at half time. Sheffield saw a bit more of the ball in the third quarter and they put up a spirited effort, with some strong running through the middle, despite strong defending and some good saves from Ned, Sheffield managed to put two away in the third quarter, but Mellor found the net six more times with goals from Jamie (2), George, Tom, Jack and Eddie. The fourth quarter saw Ollie Plant bag his first for the team, finding space to the front of goal and taking a low pass from Eddie to put the ball neatly in the bottom of the net. Two more goals from Tom (2)and one from Eddie saw the game finish 22-4 to Mellor.

This was a great game to watch and the boys seemed to really enjoy themselves on the pitch. Brilliant for the newer players to get a full game and Ollie, Josh and Jake all made the most of the opportunity, getting the chance to switch to different roles and benefitting from unselfish passing from the more experienced players. Impressive goal tally for Tom and Jamie, typically strong midfield game from George, an assured performance from Ned and a good team performance all round. Man of the match, voted by the team was Ollie Plant, working hard and checking hard throughout the game and always looking to push Sheffield off the ball.

A great game to watch. Fair play to Sheffield, they kept their heads up and played with enthusiasm right to the end. Well done boys. – Match reporter – Cirion Plant

A special mention too for Alex who was majestic in the heart of the defence. A position he’s feared in the past, Alex really marshalled the team and made some great attacking runs too

Match Stats – Shots 50, Possession 66%, Pass completion 73% and passes made 170

Match details

Match date

Sat 20 Feb 2016


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Lacrosse Supplier - Northern Soul
Clothing Provider - Pioneer Teamwear