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Important Pre Season Info for All Players

Important Pre Season Info for All Players

Martin Mochan6 Sep 2023 - 07:27
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Full Training resumes - update your club membership AND EL Registration

This starts TONIGHT - Wed 6th Sept 2023 - at Marple Hall School, Junior boys from 7-8pm, Men's & Women's from 8-9pm. Junior girls players will have had notification on start times of 6pm or 7pm depending on which team you play in. Hiring Marple Hall is our biggest club cost so PLEASE use it - teams only perform well on matchday when they train together mid week

Please make sure that you a registered club member on the club website - this gives you access to new updates and fixtures throughout the season and MUST be in place before we send out links for annual subscriptions later this week

It's easy - click JOIN or LOG IN above

You should all have received an email from EL asking you to renew your membership. Remember, this is NOT club subs, it's your membership of our National Governing Body and all players MUST be renewed, or have joined, prior to game starting at the end of the month

Click the EL Registration Link ABOVE

Further reading