Despite having only 11 players (4 of them aged 13) Mellor Under 18 girls played the best we've seen them play. Playing as a team, passing the ball, looking for and using all the players meant we went on to a comfortable 14 - 8 win.
Charlotte was back on form after injury and scored her usual run of goals (4). Honor scored 5, one straight from the face off straight to goal in the wrong net!!
Jess affronted that she had 2 fouls in quick succession taken against her, one knocking the wind temporarily out of her sails went on to score with a cheeky roll over the line, then went on to score another. Holly, who seemed to go for extra slippy trainers today an did some spectacular sliding around also got 2.Emily and young Aoifa 1 each. Amy Rams always well positioned to receive the ball, going behind goal and moving the ball had a few attempts on goal which didn't go in, but her considered playing and excellent take of the ball meant Christie felt she deserved today's man of the match - Well done A.
Alex defended well and supported the goalies with some great body defence. Abbie made some great defensive turnanrounds and goal assists.
Katie, goalie in the first half saved 3. A special mention must go to Aimee Rog who made her under 18 début goalie, saving 5 Goals.
A well deserved win and hopefully this has given the girls confidence for 2015 .
Thank you to Steve for reffing, Christie for coaching and parents for ferrying the children on this cold grey Christmas morning when you should have all been lying in.